Working from
home can incorporate nearly anything. Are you interested in blogging? Bloggers can
get paid to simply blog. This means that creating and posting to your blog can
earn you dollars. There is a website that will pay you to blog,
I have used
this particular service myself and want to verify that they do pay. I don’t use
it often since I am busy with my other projects. However, I earned close to
$500 this year with off and on participation. A more dedicated blogger can
certainly earn quite a bit more with Blogsvertise.
Advertisers will
advise what they would like to see in a blog and you simply create
and post. You are generally creating blogs that are less than 200 words and
link to the advertiser’s website. For advertisers that don’t want a blog post,
but would like to advertise with your blog they can also be extremely
profitable. These are ads placed on your blog for a specified amount of time
and you are linking to their website while sharing in revenue earnings.
The sharing
percentages that you can earn for products and services will vary from advertiser to advertiser. Some ads will pay on the
number of clicks, while others will pay for completed sign ups or sales of
their products and services. A number of advertisers will even request
permanent post to your blog for $20 or $30 dollars.
You can have
more than one blog signed up for Blogsvertise. You are earning more if you
have more blogs. The average earnings with posts to your blog are around $10,
but many are double or triple this amount. With clicks or products sold you can
earn as much as possible. There is no limit to the amount of earnings. There are
generally requests from advertisers daily.
You can choose the ads or posts you
would like and decline any you don’t. will try to match you as
close as possible with an advertiser that is in your niche or line of business.
Payments are
sent along the lines of anytime during the month. You don’t need to wait until
the end of the month to be paid. For an example, if an advertiser requests a
post and will pay after 30 days and you post on the 3rd of the
month. Payment will be sent the 3rd of the following month. If you
post on the 18th and the advertiser requests one month you will be paid
around the 18th of the following month. The fastest payment method
is PayPal. However, you can also be paid with check for your services.
If you are
interested in joining Blogsvertise you can certainly do so as my affiliate
or on your own. Click here to see whats happening with Blogsvertise. Thanks for your interest in a work from home adventure that can
earn you as much or as little
I apologize
for not posting in a while. Have great Holidays.
Nice article... let me try this site and I will put the blog affiliate link to my blog -
ReplyDeletethank you shiva for the comment. i hope it works out well for you.
ReplyDeleteinteresting post :)